One of the three scholarships given by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, the agency-nominated Commonwealth Masters Scholarship Program, is now accepting applications from candidates.

The UK's Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) offers the country

The government scholarship program is driven by goals for global development. It

operates under the aegis of the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) and provides a striking example of the UK's steadfast dedication to the Commonwealth.

The CSC's work combines sustainable development with the UK national interest and creates opportunities for global partnerships and collaboration by attracting people from all backgrounds with exceptional talent and discernible potential and assisting them in becoming leaders and innovators upon returning to their home countries.

Summary of the Scholarship 

• Host: United Kingdom (UK)

• Study in the UK when abroad

• Category: Masters and Postgraduate Scholarships

• All developing countries are eligible.

• Full Scholarship, £1,516 Monthly Stipend, Flight Tickets, and Housing

• 18 October 2022 is the deadline.

Also, Read: Study-In-USA: 2022 Florida State University Scholarship for Postgraduate Students

Scholarship information: Applications will be evaluated using the following factors:

• the academic standing of the applicant

• quality of the study plan

• Potential effects on the candidate's native country's development

Conditions for Scholarships:

Candidates that are interested in these scholarships must:

• being a citizen of, receiving refugee status from, or a British Protected Person from one of the eligible Commonwealth nations

• becoming a permanent resident of a Commonwealth nation

• allowed to begin academic courses in the UK by September 2023, the start of the UK academic year

• possess a first degree with an upper second class (2:1) honors standard by September 2023, or a second class degree (2:2) plus an appropriate postgraduate degree (often a Master's degree)*. A second UK Master's degree is not typically funded by the CSC. If you are applying for a second UK Master's degree, you must explain why you want to pursue this course of study.

• need this scholarship and not be able to afford to study in the UK

• Submitted the necessary supporting material in the requested format.

Scholarship duration and reward 

Every scholarship offers

• Airfare from your place of origin to the UK and back after your grant, as approved (the CSC will not reimburse the cost of fares for dependants, nor the cost of journeys made before your award is confirmed)

• A contract between the CSC and the UK university covers all fees, and scholars are not required to pay any portion of the approved tuition prices.

• Stipend (living stipend) of £1,236 per month, or £1,516 per month for students attending universities in the Greater London Area (rates quoted at current levels)

• Where appropriate, a warm clothing allowance

• Thesis grant to cover costs associated with writing a thesis or dissertation, as appropriate.

• Study travel grant to help with the cost of connected travel expenses within the UK or overseas, 

• If you are accompanied by your children and they are residing with you at the same address in the UK and you have children and are widowed, divorced, or a single parent, you are eligible for a child allowance of £529 per month for the first child and £131 per month for the second and third children under the age of 16. (rates quoted at current levels)

• The CSC will offer a thorough evaluation of your needs and eligibility for further financial support if you disclose that you have a handicap.

Also, Read: Entrance Scholarship Awards at Acadia University in Canada 2022/2023

Submission & Documentation

Applications must be submitted online through the CSC's application platform.

Candidates will be requested to: in the application form

• List all of your academic degrees, both undergraduate and graduate.

• List no more than ten publications and awards.

• Details of employment history should be provided, together with an explanation of how each position relates to the UK-based program.

• Indicate how your prior employment is relevant to the proposed scholarship in your statement.

• Include the names and positions of three referees who can remark on the applicant's ability to benefit from the planned Scholarship in the UK as well as his or her potential to make a positive impact on development afterward. A current employer must be one of your references (if applicable)

• Give a four-part Development Impact statement.

First, you should explain.

• global, national, and local development concerns

b. problems with development related to the larger industry and the CSC development theme you've chosen.

• You should describe in the second section how you plan to use your new talents once your scholarship is over.

• You should explain in the third section how you anticipate development will alter as a result of your Scholarship, including:

Your objectives, the timetable for achieving them, who will benefit from them, and their timing

Write about the best way to assess the impact of your work in the fourth section.

•Verify the goals of your award and how the Scholarship program will help you achieve each of them.

• Verify your goals for your career in the five years after receiving your Scholarship.

• Verify your long-term professional goals.

• In your statement, briefly describe how your background has motivated you to wish to have an effect in your place of origin. You should highlight how you have already made a difference, like overcoming any obstacles on your path to your desired career that may have come from your personal or community.

• Give a brief description of your volunteer activities and any opportunities you've had to show leadership (up to 500 words).

• Send a digital copy of your passport or national ID card.

Also, Read: International Entrance Scholarship at the University of Calgary in Canada 2022/2023

Application Process 

Applications are now being accepted for the 2023–24 academic year's Commonwealth Master's scholarships.

The deadline for applications is October 18, 2022, at 16:00 GMT, along with any other supporting documents.

Applications must be submitted online through the CSC's application platform.

Candidates must apply to the CSC and one of the nominating organizations listed below. After that, nomination committees will forward candidates to the CSC. Direct applications for these scholarships are not accepted by the CSC.

• The primary method of application is through national nominating organizations.

a few charities and non-governmental organizations

Each nominated organization manages its selection procedure and can have further eligibility requirements. Candidates should consult the nominating agency for information on their specific application guidelines and guidance. The deadline for applications may be determined by nominating organizations independently.

In addition to any other applications that may be requested by the nominating agency, candidates must submit an application using the CSC's online application system. Any applications that are not submitted through the online application system will not be accepted by the CSC.

By December 2022, agencies must nominate candidates to the CSC.


18 October 2022 is the deadline.