To apply for a Scholarship Before

• All applicants must be accepted by AUA and have submitted a complete scholarship/grant application along with any necessary supporting documentation before consideration for a scholarship or grant can be made.

• Scholarships and grants cannot be combined, and applicants who are eligible for more than one will only get the highest-valued award.

• Before enrollment, all scholarship and grant applications must be submitted.

• Any modifications to scholarships or awards won't apply to applications submitted in the past.

• Please refer to the Academic Catalog of AUA for the most recent eligibility requirements.

Also, read: Kent State University Global Scholarship 2023 in the USA (Funded)

Apply here

The College of Medicine at the American University of Antigua (AUA) offers a certain number of grants and/or scholarships to students. For more details, see below.

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Educational Awards

These awards and scholarships are given to outstanding first-year students and are often determined by an applicant's undergraduate GPA and/or MCAT score.

• Provost ScholarshipAUA is pleased to provide the Provost Scholarship in recognition of the extraordinary feat of obtaining a competitive MCAT score while maintaining a strong GPA. Award amount: $100,000, distributed as follows: $10,000 per payment period (1-4), plus $12,500 per pay period during intersession (5-8) 

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Also, read: Acadia University Admission Scholarship Awards, 2021-2022, Nova Scotia, Canada

Eligibility Requirements

• MCAT score of at least 505 (28 and above on scores before 2015)

• Have a minimum GPA of 3.50 in all recommended courses and an undergraduate degree (equivalent to a bachelor's degree in the United States).

• Students are automatically awarded this scholarship if they meet the requirements; they need not apply.

You can visit their official website