Telegram has a few Features that are very similar to what Facebook-claimed WhatsApp offers. It likewise accompanies some special features that you probably won't have the option to find on some other stage.
We have just covered a portion of those Features and distributed articles on the best way to use them. In this guide, we will give a bit by bit direct on how you can get your Telegram messages by locking the application using the application's in-built function.
The feature is accessible on both Android and iOS stages yet with the end goal of this guide, we will give guidelines to Android cell phones.
Stage 1: First of all, open the Telegram application on your Android cell phone.
Stage 2: Once the application opens, click on the menu symbol in the upper left corner.
Stage 3: In the menu section, tap Settings and afterward go to "Privacy and Security."
Stage 4: Now, in the Security segment, tap on "Passcode Lock" and enable the Feature.